Thursday, May 5, 2011


Congruence is something that we discussed in my leadership class last week.  Congruence wasn’t something that I thought about a lot before this class and it definitely wasn’t something that I associated with good leadership.  After having done the readings and discussed this concept in class its very clear that congruence is beyond important for those who want to be positive, effective leaders. 

My Mom is one of the MOST IMPORTANT women/people in my life.  I love her and would do anything in the world for her and growing up congruence is one of the things that she preached.  She always told me to make sure that I stay true to myself and never change for anyone but myself.  She has always made it clear to me that living life based off of your personal beliefs is important and now I take that same approach in my leadership positions.  It’s hard trying to take a stance on every adverse issue that comes your way as a leader but when you know yourself inside and out it can help those decisions that much easier.  

When you have defined what your beliefs are and act in congruence with those beliefs it makes it that much easier to stay committed to the task at hand.  When you are easily swayed from your beliefs it can ruin your experience as a leader and even upset those who are considered your followers.  It can be difficult at times to makes sure your actions match up with and are consistent with your beliefs but no one had ever claimed that being a leader was easy and if they did, I can tell you from experience they lied.  Every action done by a leader is going to be scrutinized but if your actions are consistent with your beliefs what can people say? Absolutely nothing, they may not agree with you but they have to respect your commitment to what you believe in.

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